articles / Leonard Bernstein

A Google Doodle for Lenny

With the whole world celebrating Leonard Bernstein’s 100th birthday, it only seems right that the August 25th’s Google Doodle is a quick (very quick!) cartoon summation of his illustrious life and career. Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Mass into a family that wasn’t particularly musical. It wasn’t until an upright piano joined the household that young Lenny found his calling. He would grow up to be the greatest musician America has ever produced, so far! Check out the Google Doodle and learn more at

It also turns out that’s not all Google has put together about Leonard Bernstein. You can also explore a beautifully arranged digital exhibition of sorts about his Carnegie Hall debut here.

Written by:
Dianne Nicolini
Dianne Nicolini
Published on 04.01.2019