articles / Pop Culture

Los Angeles Celebrates the Trisha Brown Dance Company

Carolyn Lucas is the Associate Artistic Director of the Trisha Brown Dance Company. She’s been with the company for 33 years, and now she’s in LA with some of Brown’s longtime dancers for a series of performances throughout the city in celebration of Trisha Brown’s body of work. It’s part of a collaborate effort called Trisha Brown: In Plain Site Los Angeles headed by CAP UCLA alongside The Broad Museum, the J. Paul Getty Museum, LACMA and Hauser Wirth & Schimmel. There are free, site-specific performances Friday at the Getty, Saturday at LACMA, and Sunday at Hauser Wirth & Schimmel. Click here for times and information.

Rehearsal Photos by Susie Goodman

Listen below to my conversation with Lucas about Trisha Brown: In Plain Site Los Angeles and how the company paired performances with locations.

Los Angeles Celebrates the Trisha Brown Dance Company




Written by:
Sheila Tepper
Sheila Tepper
Published on 05.22.2018